APU Tennis Club 部内戦‼️



代表  髙城 大道

We conducted the tournament in APU Tennis Club before time!! 💥🎾Everyone could do their best in this match. There are some members who have official tennis match next week, so their motivation was high👍⤴️

This is the end of practice as APU Tennis Club in fall semester. Next practice will begin from spring semester! We are going to recruit the new members, so we are looking forward to play tennis with you!!👍

Representative: Hiromichi TAKAGI

立命館アジア太平洋大学テニス部公式サイト/APU Tennis Club Official Site

日本の大分県別府市に位置する立命館アジア太平洋大学のテニス部公式ページです。APU生向けの見学、入部の受付や、学外者様向けの練習試合、交流のお申し込みはこちらから! This is APU tennis club Official site. If you want to join us, please check this site.